domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Something Funny: Story Analysis

 Something Funny: Story Analysis
Ms. van Steenwyk biography
Elizabeth Van Steenwyk was born in 1928. She grew up in illinois. She has written many books and more than 200 short stories. Some of he books have been made into movies and TV programs. One og her books, The Best Horse, became an award-winning film. Vsn Steenwyk now lives in California. She loves to write, and she also teaches writing. She tells her students If you want to be a writer.


A Traitor Among Us by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk (Jun 1999)

Mathew Brady: Civil War Photographer (First Books - Biographies) by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk (Sep 1997)

First Dog Fala by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk and Michael Montgomery (Sep 1, 2008)

Three Dog Winter by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk (Jan 12, 1999)

The California Gold Rush: West With the Forty-Niners (First Book) by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk (Jun 1991)

Frontier Fever: The Silly, Superstitious-And Sometimes Sensible-Medicine of the Pioneers by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk (Jun 1995)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Synopsis

 In the story were two characters, their names are Janey’s and Bill. They were dating for a few weeks but Janey’s was so bored to be with him, so she wanted to finish the relationship that they have between them. When he arrived and picked up Janey’s and then he told to her about dream that he had. Unfortunately for Bill, he did not know the real Janey’s have a third eye in his forehead.
  Conflict present in the story: 

When Janey’s was tired of Bill

   Rising action or most important events in the story sequence
When Janey’s was tired of Bill
When Janey’s was talking with herself about Bill about her relationship
When Bill talked about his dream

   Identification of the story’s climax

 when Janey was tired of going out with Bill

   Statement of the resolution  
When Bill was surprised of janey because she had third eye 


BILL  he is bored and he likes movies like star wars

JANEY   she is impacient, she had a third eye in her forehade


My opinion

In the beginning the story was bored, but then I thought that story wouldn’t have a good ending. Then the story became more interesting when Bill stared to tell the dream that he had. And finally when almost the story end Janey showed their third eye in his forehade.


The Irony

When Bill was talking about his dream about aliens and result that Janey was one of them who had a third eye in his forehead

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