viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

DR. Heibegger' Experiment

                                  DR. Heibegger' Experiment
                                 Nathaniel Hawthorne biography
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was born in Salem, Massachusetts. He starded writing shorts, and then began to write novels. The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne's bets-know novel. It made hom famous around the world. Hawthorne is one America's greatest writers.



The story began when Dr. Heidegger invited their fourth friends to come to his place. Later when  they arrived the doctor guided them to the laboratory. Then, in the laboratory  Dr Heidegger showed a vase with water and he told to them that liquid it was for making a person younger. After that talk, they drank the liquid and they become a younger people. Meanwhile, the doctor was telling to them don't  make the same mistakes that you do when you were young. Unfortunately, they did not listen to him and they spill all the water in the floor , nobody listened to Dr Heidegger and they did the same mistake and they became to be old again.


Dr Heiderger   Strange old man, with white hair and bear, melancholy and wise.

Mr Medbourne  is a sad person, he was a rich and is greedy

Mr Gascon   is a sad person, he was famous politician and he is dishonest

Colonel Killigrew is a sad person, was once great soldier, he is alcoholic and he has a bad health

Widow Wycherly  is a sad person, she was once quite beautiful and is very conceited


My opinion

 From my point of view the story was totally interesting from the beginning to the end. In this story the characters have diferents personalitys ,but they have certain similarities. This story try to give an important message: even when we have another chance to do the the right things, we make the same mistake that we try to avoid in the past.


Conflict present in the story:   
The conflict in this story was the liquid that made the person more and more younger
Rising action or most important events in the story sequence  
When they arrived  at the house.
When get into the laboratory.
When they drink the special liquid.
When Dr Heidegger talked to their friends about their mistakes.
When they were younger again and stared to fight. 
When they spill the liquid and when they were planning to go to that place who have that wonderful liquid.
Identification of the story’s climax  
When they were in the laboratory and Dr, Heidegger give to their firends the liquid for making they younger. 
Statement of the resolution

When they stopped to fight and looked to DR Heidegger and the doctor was holding the rose and later the rose star to shrink. They know that they became old again. After that  they stared to planning a travel to Florida to get that liquid


The moral of this story was that even when a person have another chance for not doing the same mistake ,they do it.